HTML Tags List:
We use different HTML Tags while writing an HTML code to create a web page. Sometimes we face problems memorizing these tags. No need to worry! The shown list is arranged alphabetically with their description. Easy to remember and find an HTML tag. Scroll Down and find your HTML tags. I am sure now these tags will be on your fingertips.
Tags starting with "A":
Tags starting with "B":
Tags starting with "C":
Tags starting with "D":
Tags starting with "E":
Tags starting with "F":
Tags starting with "H":
Tags starting with "I":
Tags starting with "k":
Tags starting with "L":
Tags starting with "M":
Tags starting with "N":
Tags starting with "O":
Tags starting with "P":
Tags starting with "Q":
Tags starting with "R":
Tag starting with "S":
Tags starting with "T":
Tag starting with "U":
Tags starting with "V":
Comment Tag:
Note: In the HTML tags list there is not any tag that starts with G, J, W, X, Y, and Z.
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