HTML Course
HTML Tags | Important HTML tags | Mostly Used HTML Tags
HTML Tags:
Some Basic HTML Tags:
Some mostly used and basic HTML tags are with their description are:
<!DOCTYPE > Declaration:
This defines the document type and helps browsers to show web pages without any error. This tag must be written once at the top of the coding while writing a code. but this declaration is not case sensitive. All the other tags are written after this tag.
All other tags are used inside this <html> and </html>. The body tag shows the visible part of the document (images, paragraphs, and others).
HTML Code for title:
For example, if want to show our page title as the First web page. The code for the page title is,
<title>First web page</title>
The result will be shown as.
HTML Code For Headings:
<h1> tag is most important and mostly used, but <h6> tag is least important.
HTML Code for paragraph:
<p>First Paragraph</p>
<p>Second Paragraph</p>
<p>Third Paragraph</p>
HTML Code for line break:
this is another important tag has no end tag and is mostly used in text where want to show line break.
HTML Code for horizontal line:
Note:this tag has no end tag.
HTML Code for Comment:
<!-- the text you want to hide-->
In the above figure, the text written in <p> tag is not displaying to the page visitors.